Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well, I suppose one fear that traveling can't help me with is the fear of staying put, being stuck with myself.

It's time to go home and deal with that. Yes, this means living at home with my parents for a few months as I finish up school... but I only have this one life, and I'm squandering parts of it.

I understand the warrior at the end of the trail idea a little better now. I'm a mess, and I'm going to bring that mess with me wherever I go. It's time to abandon what I think I know and follow a different path... this scares the shit out of me.

But peace isn't connected to any emotion - these emotions are clouds passing through a clear blue sky. I can't discard them, so I have to see them for what they are as they pass and focus on the blue beyond.

What prompted this?

Well waking up piss-drunk and lost in a field in Austin, Texas without my glasses after having traveled the Greyhound for 5o+ hours and then spending the night under a bridge, of course.

More on that one later, dear reader.

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